Team Fundraising
How This Works
- We provide you a unique 'DISCOUNT CODE'
We'll generate a code for your entire school or a different code for individual programs within your school.
- Start your fundraiser!
Simply provide the site link along with your 'Discount Code' to your supporters. (email, web page, text, flyers or social media)
- We split the profit with you!
That's right, you get 50% of the profit from each and every sale.
- Track your success 24/7/365
You can login to your fundraising account and monitor your sales and fundraising revenue, anytime!
- We payout weekly!
We payout via Paypal or direct ACH deposit. You can set your preference within your account.
It's truly that simple!
We would love to have your program(s) on board!
CLICK HERE to Download Wildcat Info Sheet for your fundraising meetings